Our Values
Our name reflects WHO we are – we are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who value the BIBLE as our only guide for faith and practice, and we value FELLOWSHIP – showing practical expressions of love and unity with one another, through the grace of the Lord Jesus.
1. Core Value
The BIBLE is our final authority for life and living. We strive to have it's teachings undergird all that we believe and all that we do. When we see something in ourselves that does not match the Word of God, we aim to change ourselves, rather than change the Bible.
2. Core Value
We value FELLOWSHIP with God's people, and striving to to truly love another in the Lord. Jesus said that "all men will know you are My disciples by your love for another. Sometimes, because we truly love one another, and don't want the destructive results of sin to damage one another, we have to say the hard truth to one another, but when we do, we want to "speak the truth in love".
3. Core Value
We value the CHURCH. We believe in church membership, to express our commitment and loyalty to one another. We are a spiritual family, not just a bunch of Christians who happen to get together on Sundays every once in a while. Being part of a church family involves submission to one another, sacrificing and giving for the needs of one another, and just sharing the joy of the Lord with one another.
4. Core Value
We value MISSION. We need to constantly struggle NOT to be inner-focused, but outward-focused. We have a desire to share the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ with our neighbors and friends. Hell is a real place, and God's judgment is coming, and we need to do everything we can to rescue people from a Christless eternity. So many of our church activities are focused on outreach and evangelism. We also have a wider focus, of bringing Christ to the world, through various missionaries that we support. Over 10% of our annual budget is given to Missions.
5. Core Value
We value the WORSHIP of our God and Savior. Life is NOT all about us. And when we gather on the Lord's Day, our time together is not all about us - meeting our needs and doing things, singing songs, etc. that make us feel comfortable. Rather, we want our worship to please our God. We want everything in our worship to focus on His glory and worth - not ours!
To see our doctrinal statement, go to: www.bfc.org/who-we-are/articles-of-faith/