Our Ministries
“Praise the LORD. Sing to the LORD a new song, his praise in the assembly of his faithful people.”
PSALM 149:1
Sunday 9:15am or Wednesday 3:00pm
Discipleship Institute
Discipleship Institute exists to pursue our goal of every member at Valley BFC progressing toward maturity in Christ. We are accomplishing this by growing in three specific areas - biblical understanding, doctrinal faithfulness, and spiritual formation. These classes help us toward that end! Each class runs one hour for 15 weeks with the purpose of laying a common foundation from which we can build unity in “the faith (Eph. 4:13).” For the Spring Semester we are offering two courses - Christian Doctrine and the Church

Beginning 10:30 am
Worship Service
Our emphasis is on congregational singing, and our focus is on the words of what we sing. We want what we sing to be Biblical, and most of our singing is in the form of praises or prayers to our God and Savior. We sing a variety of hymns, Gospel songs, and contemporary choruses.
Pastor Evan usually preaches expositional messages. Expositional preaching means that we preach through books of the Bible and that the main point of the sermon is the point of the Bible passage we are studying. Currently he is preaching through the Gospel of Luke. He strives to make the text of God's Word clear, and to make it come alive in the minds and hearts of the hearers, and to show the beauty of God's grace in the Gospel of Christ.
We believe that God looks at the heart, not what we wear. Dress in whatever makes you comfortable. You'll find our members wear anything from shorts to a suit and tie!
We are offering American Sign Language Interpreters for those who are hearing disabled.
We offer ASL Interpretation every week at our 10:30 AM Worship Service. If you are interested in learning more, contact Pastor Evan Climpson at 845-724-3984.
Age 2-3rd Grade Kids
Children’s Sunday School
9:15 AM - During Discipleship Institute
At Valley BFC, we want our kids to hear and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our Children's Sunday School ministry is a major part of how we hope to accomplish that.
During our Sunday School hour, kids head upstairs for a lesson geared toward them. Once upstairs, your kids will receive an age-appropriate, biblically-based lesson that centers on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We use The Gospel Project (https://gospelproject.lifeway.com/) as our curriculum, which always draws the kids attention to both a Big Question and a Christ Connection.
Your kids will be led by trained volunteers who aim to show the love of God to the children as they teach them through and about the Bible.
While we believe that it is important that we disciple the children within our church, we ultimately believe that parents are the most important disciplers in a kid's life. Therefore, we always give the kids a worksheet to bring home so that parents can be engaged with what their kids are learning on Sunday mornings.
Our hope is to see kids' lives transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

3rd Sunday of Each Month after worship service
Monthly Meal + Prayer
Our monthly meal + Prayer allows us to accomplish two goals by giving us an opportunity to fellowship with one another while being intentional in corporate prayer. We encourage everyone to bring something to share. Over a meal, we spend intentional time praying for one another, the advance of Christ’s kingdom, and that God’s name might be praised above all other names.