Welcome to Valley Bible Fellowship Church
We would love for you to come worship with us!
What to expect when you visit Valley BFC
We want you to know the love of Christ – from the time you arrive to the time you leave. We look forward to welcoming you and your family and getting to know you personally.
Expositional Preaching
We believe that the Bible is sufficient for all of life. Because of that, we are committed to preaching the whole counsel of God. We are convinced that preaching is a proclamation of God’s Word to His people, so our sermons come from the Word of God. We believe that preaching should convict the heart about the truth of what God’s Word says and how it reveals Jesus Christ.
Christ-Centered Worship
We are a Christ-centered church and want everything we do to point others to Jesus. We preach the Word of God, sing mainly modern or traditional hymns of worship, and have a time of prayer. We want everything we do to be centered on the Gospel of Jesus Christ
We believe children are a gift from God! We create an environment that is not just fun and age appropriate for each child, but also provides an atmosphere for children to learn how the Bible is all about Jesus Christ.
Have a question or special need,
please contact us.
Our church began as a home Bible study. In time, this Bible study grew, and there was a desire to meet together on Sunday mornings. Eventually, this Bible study group was recognized as a “mission church” of the Bible Fellowship Church.
Sunday 9:15am: Christian Doctrine
Wednesday 3:00pm: The Church
Discipleship Institute

Discipleship Institute – 9:15am Sunday or 3:00pm Wednesday
Discipleship Institute is for all adults! Our Discipleship classes are intended for us to grow in biblical understanding, doctrinal faithfulness, and spiritual formation. We purpose to build a foundation that allows us to have a unity of the faith that stems from what we believe and flows into our maturity in Christ.
Sunday Worship Service – 10:30 am
We Offer ASL Interpretation Weekly for the hearing-impaired!
We are a Bible-centered church, and believe God's Word is the best way to build strong Christians. Our Sunday Service is our main gathering of the church. Everyone is welcome to come and worship the Lord, as we focus our attention on the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Children’s Sunday School - Sunday 9:15am
An age-appropriate environment for kids to learn the Bible in a systematic way with the intention of presenting the gospel. Every listen is connected to Christ, so our kids are hearing about their need for Christ Jesus each week.
Monthly Meal + Prayer
A Bible study for people who are 50 years of age or older. It’s a great opportunity to study God's Word and engage in fellowship with other Christians. Following the Bible study, lunch is always served, allowing for more time to fellowship with one another.
The Message
Current Sermon Series
Listen to our latest Sermon Series through the Gospel of Luke